Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve Wins Double Gold at Oregon Wine Awards. - Umpqua Valley Winegrowers

Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve Wins Double Gold at Oregon Wine Awards.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards, May 27, 2022

We just received news that Oregon Wine Awards bestowed a 95-point rating and a “Double Gold” Medal to our 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve at this year’s competition. Also earning “Gold Medals” were our 94-point rated 2019 Syrah, our 93-point rated 2019 Syrah Reserve, and our 93-point rated 2020 Moscato.

Regarding this year’s competition, Owner/Winemaker Stephen M. Reustle was delighted with the results. stating, “This competition is a real joy for us. We get a chance to see how we compare to our in-state counterparts. With Oregon being known for Pinot Noir, it was great to see our 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve do so well, earning a 95-point rating and Double Gold Medal – SDG.”

Stephen continued, “I was also pleased to see both our 2019 Syrah (94 points) and 2019 Syrah Reserve (93 points) earn Gold Medals. I was pleasantly excited to see the judges award 93 points and a Gold Medal to our 2020 Moscato…my favorite Moscato we’ve made yet. Usually, judges shy away from sweeter wines, but our Moscato is perfectly balanced. As with all our wines, we try to find the perfect balance of fruit, acid, and alcohol that lets the grapes shine.”

Oregon Wine Awards, full 2022 results.